2 November 2011

Get Ready for our Customer Appreciation Day on Novemeber 12th! We will have coffee, snacks, and presents. We will also be doing our draw for our twenty fabulous prizes in celebrate of 20 years in business. Make sure to come in and enter as you don't want to miss out.

Margarita loves to try out all the new furniture when it comes in.



Gabriel looks very handsome in his necktie.

Check out our popular cat nip puppets. They are only $5 each and you can get awesome characters such as Spiderman, Batman, and The Hulk. Playing with these puny puppets sure gives us a nice ego boost! 

Some of our friends are beginning to watch their waistlines *looks at Gabe* These cats should try our food maze. Cats enjoy the challenge of getting the food out and you can change it from easy to more difficult. Just $30 paw-llars.


Just got a new shipment of pet grass. $3.50 for this tasty treat. Winter is coming so give us a bit of summer with these.







Can you believe Mom and Dad will be GIVING this out as the grand prize for our draw on November 12th? I better make good use of this while I can!

Margarita sure is a good mouser - she's caught 59 so far this year!

Okay, I think we've had a long day of sleeping around the store and playing, time to rest! Bye!

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