November 2005

November 2005

Lesley Anne Rememberance Day Photo

The Snow Is Falling!
November is one of my favourite months of the year, right in the middle of fall and right around the first snow. The world begins to transition into its annual slumber, the palette of colours shifts in warm contrast to the weather outside. It is a very introspective time of year, a time to remember, to appreciate, to cuddle up in a nice warm bed beside Buddy Guy.

Did You Forget?
I want to say thanks to all those who entered the Halloween costume contest this year. It was a huge success and a lot of fun! In fact, we received a few entries after judging had finished, but I hope those who made late submissions will participate again next year. In judging the photos, we judged on costume and creativity over photographic quality (we realize not everyone is a professional photographer.) It was very hard to categorize some of the entries so we decided to award first, second and third place prizes. Full Size 8x10's are on display in the store so take a look next time your in. I know you’ve been waiting to hear who the winners are, so let's give a round of paws for:

Third Prize Winner - Chirstmas
Christmas “Spot”

Our Third Place award winner who will receive:
1 pack of “Marry Allan Photography” Cat Card Packs and
1 pack of THE CAT HOUSE Original Honeysuckle Slices.

Second Prize Winner - Her Royal
Higness Princess
Her Royal Highness Princess
Our Second Place award winner who will receive:
1 pack of “Marry Allan Photography” Cat Card Packs and
1 pack of THE CAT HOUSE Original Honeysuckle Slabs.

First Prize Winner - Count EbenineCount Ebenine
Our First Place award winner who will receive:
A “Marry Allan Photography” Pet Photo Shoot and
1 Pack of THE CAT HOUSE Original Honeysuckle Chunks.

Introducing The Ultimate “Wear Them Out Before Bed” Toy.

Toy of the month - The CatfisherWe cats love fish, and mice, so why not go fishing with mice, for cats? Huh? It’s true, you can. We’ve got this great new toy called the Catfisher, a durable yet small fly fishing rod with 40ft of line and the coolest lures in the land. Featuring a foldable design for easy compact storage, an extra lure and a compartment in the handle in which to store it. The Catfisher is completely safe and easy to use, not to mention the most fun we have had with a cat toy. This rod is, if I dare say, the ultimate interactive cat toy. What’s more, you can get your cats chasing around after the lures from wherever you are. It’s just as great indoors as out, and in large homes or small spaces. You must, yes, MUST get one of these as they are, as we say, the cat’s meow. Honestly, this is the most fun I’ve ever seen a human have with a cat toy, it’s also the most fun I’ve ever had.

Gift Of The Month
As a thank you for stopping by the store this month, make sure that when you come in ask for your FREE Basket Beanie Baby. They’re cute and the perfect size to rest on your monitor as a constant reminder of just how much we love our readers!

Community Events
Vive les chats! Portion of the - Vive Les Chats! Poster
The MEOW Foundation’s 3rd Annual Gala.
Featuring fine wine, gastronomical delights, a silent auction, raffles and a special presentation by John Gilchrist - Renowned restaurant reviewer and author. Our MC for the evening is Andrew Schultz from Calgary’s Global TV, don’t miss it!

Tickets: $75
Dress: Business casual
When: November 16, 2005, 6 p.m
Where: Fort Calgary (750 - 9 Ave SE)
More information: 2005 Gala details
Call Gwen 276-7614 or

No More Cat-a-strophies.
I’ve decided to change the tone of the newsletter a bit, and as such, done away with the cat-a-strophies section. While the stories were amusing we figured it’d be more fitting to celebrate our feline pals than publish their embarrassing stories. That being said, I would like to introduce you all to the “Cat of the Month” section we’ll be starting next month. Nominate your cat telling us about the special thing he does to make your worst days bright, how she manages to get into anything with an opening to play hide and seek, or any other story of fancy or heroism. Tell the world why you four pawed frolicker is the best one out there, or nominate someone else’s marvellous mouser and we may publish their story!

Christmas Shopping?
We know it’s started because our customers have started mentioning that’s why they’ve come. We don’t know how many times in the past couple of years people have said to us during the last week of shopping before Christmas how much they wished they started at our store. They drop in for the last person on their list, their cat, and see all these neat things they could have gotten for the other people on their list. Make it easy on yourself this year, start at THE CAT HOUSE.

Beanie Blow-out!

With over 100 designs to choose from, we are offering our TY Beanie Babies at very special pricing:

Buy 2 get 1 Free! (works out to $6.66 each)
Buy 3 get 2 Free! (works out to $6.00 each)
Buy 5 get 10 Free! (works out to $5.00 each)

And for the TY Beanie Buddies:

Buy 2 get 1 Free! (works out to $10.00 each)
Buy 3 get 2 Free! (works out to $9.00 each)
Buy 5 get 10 Free! (works out to $7.50 each)  

These plush toys make excellent gifts for people of all ages and for any occasion. At these prices grab a few and you can keep them for Emergency Gifts too! How many can you help us find a home for?

Alert! Alert!

I have to warn you, as Buddy Guy gets to write next month, and it being the Christmas season, he has begun testing product overtime! So expect that the December newsletter, the holiday gift guide, is going to be bigger and brighter than a normal newsletter. It will be packed with excellent gift suggestions and reviews and we’ll tell you how you can use our wish list program to let your friends and furs know what you’d like for Christmas this year.

Lesley Anne In Sun Hat

All Good Things Must Come To Lesley Anne
Well, I hate to chat and run, but mom just pulled out some new clothes and I MUST try on that new outfit. Ta Ta for now!

Lesley Anne

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