July 2006
July 2006
Holy Mackerel! There’s Something Fishy Going On Next Door
Have you heard? Billingsgate Fish Market has closed their well-known downtown Calgary location and is now located at the Stadium Shopping Centre, right beside THE CAT HOUSE! Did you know that at one point, Billingsgate Fish Market and Bon Ton Meat Market were next-door neighbours? Don’t you think it’s purrfect that they are neighbours again here at the Stadium Shopping Centre? Both a fish market and a meat shop located so close to a cat store - have you ever heard of anything so meowvelous?
Billingsgate has been in business for 99 years and has been owned continually by the same family - now fourth generation, if you can imagine. And I’m pleased to report that Billingsgate has supported the Calgary Humane Society in different ways over the years. By the way, have any of you been to see the new Calgary Humane Society shelter that just recently opened? Mom is going to visit it soon and will report on it to you.
Naturally Buddy Guy was making a downright nuisance of himself during construction of Billingsgate. Every time the workers had the door propped open for fresh air, he was in there checking the place out. He must have thought there was already fish in there the way he was searching around. I still haven’t managed to make him understand that the fish we sell here at THE CAT HOUSE is better for cats. Don’t forget that we offer each of our customers a free tin of Nutro Max Cat Gourmet Classics food each month. Some of the incredible free fish dinners we offer for all of my fellow felines include Alaskan Halibut, Seafood and Tomato Bisque, Salmon and Whitefish and Orleans Seafood Jambalaya. Come down and check it out – at THE CAT HOUSE INC, there really is such a thing as a free lunch. Which brings me to the topic of free breakfasts. Read on.
Stampede Breakfasts
These events aren’t really for me but I do know what’s popular, so I know a lot of you need to know where you can find all the details about free Stampede breakfasts. Be sure to sure to check out www.stampedebreakfasts.com for a free listing of events throughout Calgary and area. You can get your fill of pancakes no matter where you are. If you know of an event going on that’s not listed, please submit it to their site. When it comes to food, more choices are always better, you know. Have fun, and happy Stampeding. Meow-hoo! Here’s a photo of a little CAT HOUSE float we had in the Calgary Stampede Parade for our 10th anniversary. Would you believe that this year is our 15th Anniversary?
Staff Comings and Goings
We’re welcoming two new people to our staff - Cecile and Brenna have joined us, and are already doing a fabulous job adoring me. But then, everyone does: they can’t help it. We’ve lost one long time servant for me in the store: Jobien has retired after many years with us. Thankfully Angela is still with us…as a matter of fact she just recently celebrated her tenth anniversary at THE CAT HOUSE. I know this will be hard to believe, as young as I look, but I’ve been here the longest – going on fifteen years. Why, without me, the store wouldn’t be celebrating its 15th anniversary on August 1st, 2006! Watch for our big anniversary sale throughout August.
Cochrane Humane Society Update
Once again Mum said I HAVE to mention Buddy Guy’s T-shirt. We’ve sold hundreds of them in support of the building fund for a new shelter. Construction will begin very soon now that they’ve raised about 1.4 million dollars.. And you, my loyal and generous fans, can help by purchasing one of these awesome western themed t-shirts or dropping loose change in our collection barrel when you come in to the store to visit me. Remember – they also appreciate Canadian Tire Money.
In The News
Recently our honeysuckle wood was written up in the New York newspaper Newsday and has since been reprinted in newspapers as far away as Texas and Florida. Our honeysuckle has even become popular with some zoos and may be studied further by yet another researcher trying to unlock the mystery of this unique wood’s magical attraction for cats. Even my large relatives at Calgary’s world renowned zoo have gotten into the act. Keep watching as we keep you updated about the expanding buzz this product is creating.
Party Time!
We just got in a whole selection of cat themed party supplies, invitations, straws, hats, napkins, paper plates, gift bags, and more. Come take a look. There’s nothing cooler than the image of a cat in sunglasses don’t you think. Especially when it’s ME!
Gift Of The Month
Come in to the store this month and ask for your very own Critter Ball! These colourful spiky, bouncy, balls are great for cats who like picking up and batting around little movable objects.
We're Done Here
Well it’s time for another little summer siesta. I will talk to you soon my friends: see you in the store! If you’re lucky I’ll even share my private fan with you.
Lesley Anne