October 2010

October 2010


                           Long Time, No See!

Hello to all of you, Margarita and Gabriel here. It’s been a while since we put out a newsletter. After you hear how we've been enjoying ourselves outdoors hopefully you will understand why. We have been very busy this summer. On our twice daily supervised walk in the park and boulevard alongside THE CAT HOUSE we discovered MICE! We became very involved (some use the word obsessed) with hunting them - successfully getting 38. We were featured recently on Global News for our great mouse hunting skills. We would like to give a big Thank You to Gil Tucker for coming to see us and to loyal customer Valerie Nemeth for telling him all about us. You can see the story at: Global TV. Anyone who mentions this story or newsletter gets two free mice, one from each of us. (Don’t worry, they aren’t real ones.)


Come check out some cute outfits to dress your kitty up for Halloween such as our Caped Crusader costume. Your cat can be a debonair duke for this year’s festivities. We also carry hats and other fun clothes to dress them up in. Remember, to dress a cat up properly, you need to get really creative.

THE CAT HOUSE also carries some great Halloween cat items to decorate your house with.


Halloween Cat Show

It's show time again. Here's your chance to see over 100 show cats of many different breeds.
Kitties n Brooms
Annual Fall Championship and
Household Pet Cat Show
October 30 & 31, 2010

Admission: $5 Adults and $2 for children 12 and under and seniors.
Royal Canadian Legion, Ogden Branch #154 at 2625 - 78th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB


The show hall is wheel chair accessible. Ample free parking is available at the show hall. Entrance is on the parking lot side of the building DONT FORGET TO MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR APRIL 16 & 17, 2011 for the next Cat Show! (Location to be announced later).

New Toys

We have some wonderful new toys in from Nekochan called Neko Flies. These are wand toys that come with several different attachments for hours of playful fun. These are excellent interactive toys that your cats will love to chase, swat and pounce on. Each kit comes with a wand and an attachment and you can buy other attachments separately.

Each hand-crafted toy mimics life-like prey movements when you use them. This will appeal to your cats hunting instinct and create hours of bonding fun. They are durable, safe and got THE CAT HOUSE stamp of approval when Margarita couldn’t destroy one of them despite hours of trying. Mom is so impressed with these toys she even sent a glowing review to the creator telling them how just about everyone who buys one of these toys comes back to buy another one. Customers want their cats to experience the different types of attachments, and they're purchasing them as gifts for other cats.

Cooler Weather Coming


As the weather turns colder our thoughts go out the stray cats living outside. Please remember that the temperature outdoors could plummet any day. If you are aware of any homeless or feral cats please do what you can to get them some sustenance and shelter. If you would like a list of the local rescue organizations, contact us, and we will gladly send it to you. It is important to watch out for each other.



Time to Go

Well, it’s time for us to go. We are off to catch a few more mice, or some more snuggles. We hope to talk to you again real soon. You should come by the store and visit us sometime.

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