November 2009


With the onset of winter, we don’t want to become bored here at the Cat House. That icky, wet, white stuff called “snow” has already fallen, and it will soon keep us inside. We have a few things to help keep kitties (and humans) warm and cozy.



We love these Pagodas from the Catman. There is plenty of room to climb, and a little house to sit in. There is even a little dangly thing to play with. They come 6 feet tall, or 4 feet tall, and in different colors. We can even get some with a “bark-look” on the posts. The two curves on the top of the house provide perfect beds for both of us to sleep in. Mom keeps lots of other furniture in stock or she can get you a quote for a custom order of your own design!



You have probably heard that some kitties like to watch TV. We have these Cat Sitter DVDs in stock and they are awesome! Hours of TV fun for you and your feline friends. There are birds, butterflies, chipmunks and fish to watch. With the continuous loop function, this could keep any kitty happy all day! We have Volume 1, 2 and 3 in stock, DVDs as well as some VHS copies.




Sometimes, when the snow starts to fly, all you want to do is stay inside. This new game we got in called the Crazy Cat Lady Game will help your people fill those long, cold winter nights. Mom has tried this board game, and thinks its lots of fun. We hope you enjoy playing it too!


Our final item is to keep the people in your life happy and warm in this cold weather. We just got the Warm Buddies Mitts in again. They were such a hit last year we had trouble keeping them in stock. They come in one size, in black or brown, and they are fuzzy inside and out! Some people think they make thier hands look like kitty paws.


Last Note

 Don’t forget to come see us at the Calgary Art Market and Craft Show on November 19-22. The Cat House will be there for the first time ever and selling all sorts of hand made toys and beds. The show hours are as follows:

Thursday, Nov. 19/09, 10am to 9pm,
Friday, Nov. 20/09, 10am to 9pm
Saturday, Nov. 21/09, 10am to 6pm,
and Sunday, Nov. 22/09, 10am to 5pm.
Prices are: Adults $9.00, Seniors/ Students $6.00.
Pay once and return every day free! Note: Tickets are available only at the door.
Come by the store and get a coupon for $2 of admission!

Any one who mentions this issue on their next visit to the store will get a free honeysuckle and catnip toy. Next issue we will feature all sorts of Christmas goodies. Remember, everyone has a cat lover on their list!

Goodbye for now, and remember….take care of each other!

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