December 2004

What’s New?
The Cat House
is full to the rafters (no exaggeration,) with wonderful new products for you and your cats. In case you have not been to the store lately, you can look forward to seeing the following improvements. Recently, we:


  • added over 100 lineal feet of shelving for cat food;
  • doubled our shelf space devoted to Christmas items, which during the year will be our place to present “what’s new” at The Cat House;
  • built another 36 feet of shelving for beds, thereby tripling our space for cat beds;
  • began displaying smaller scratching posts above the glass gift shelves which means room for an additional 20 scratching posts!

In The News!
We were also featured in local media several times this year:

  1. On April 26th, the Calgary Herald printed a feature article about our store on the front page of the business section summarizing our history since opening in 1991. The Cat House is fortunate to be in the 2% of start-up businesses that survive past their 10th anniversary, numerous small pet stores have closed their doors after the arrival of several of the “big box” retailers. (Thanks to you, our loyal customers, we haven’t!)
  2. This summer a two-page article was printed in the CAZA (Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Bulletin recommending that zookeepers contact The Cat House to obtain Honeysuckle wood as an enrichment activity for large cats in zoos. They also published a photo of a lion at the Bowmanville Zoo with a large honeysuckle log from our store.
  3. In July the camera crew for “The Pet Guys” came to film a demonstration of our new KittyWalk Pet Stroller with Lesley Anne inside, and a front worn knapsack/snuggly style cat carrier containing Buddy Guy. This segment aired in October on Global. Then in November, “The Pet Guys” returned to film an interview with a local vet technician about ways to keep indoor cats from getting bored. Lesley Anne put on a delightful performance playing with the laser light toy. Buddy Guy demonstrated a scratching post on cue and then sat in the Kittywalk™ outdoor enclosure to show how easy it is to contain your cat safely outdoors. We haven’t heard yet when this segment will be aired.
  4. In October, Shaw Cable came to The Cat House to video a story about Honeysuckle wood for cats. They aired the segment numerous times and many people came to the store as a result. Buddy Guy performed on cue for the camera and his good work resulted in hundreds of Calgary cats being introduced to the pleasures of Honeysuckle wood. (The interview can be seen on our website.)
  5. Lesley Anne and Buddy Guy were recently photographed with several recommended Christmas presents for cats by a photographer from the Calgary Sun. We were told that these photos will appear alongside an article in “Wag” magazine, an insert of the Sun, sometime in December.

You’re Invited!
We would like to extend an invitation to you to visit The Cat House as a lot has changed, and we keep adding more! We have had a lot more early Christmas shoppers this year. In the past, many people visited our store to purchase gifts for their cats at the end of their shopping list, but when they saw all the great new gift items for people they said that next year they were starting their shopping at The Cat House...and they have! We hope you will too.

Our Gift To You
To thank YOU, our valued customer, please ask for your coupon in the store, which will give you a total of $20 off your purchases, and a free $5 gift (details in store.) Again, we wish to thank you, and wish you a Merry Christmas!

Kudos & Thanks
Thanks to local artist Geoffrey Martin for the beautiful watercolour paintings of Lesley Anne and Buddy Guy, our shop cats. Be sure to check out his website to see more of his work: 

That’s It For Us For Now
Than you for reading and stay tuned for more exciting information and great promotions. Until next time!

On The Web
To view the Shaw Cable video clip on Honeysuckle wood just click on This Link

The Bottom Part
You are receiving this email because you either have filled out a customer information card at The Cat House or have signed up via our website. Please forward this email to a friend. Anyone who prints out this email and brings it to The Cat House will also receive our $25 gift.

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