12 July 2012
Ok Facebook friends, come by today and ask for your FREE tin of Cowboy Cookout so your cat can celebrate Stampede with you!
This week, our Facebook promo is half price on any bandana in celebration of the 100th anniversary of The Calgary Stampede!
Tune in to Global News tonight at 6:55 pm to watch Candace Schneider and Joanne Wegiel dress up Shop Cats Gabriel and Margarita in their Stampede Attire!
Check out this link to get a $10 coupon for the Science Diet Ideal Balance food.
We are collecting pennies for The MEOW Foundation as well as Canadian Tire Money and any other donations. We also think you should LIKE them on Facebook as their page is great!
Still a few days left to enter our Western Photo Contest. The photos with the most LIKES will win and we have 3 prizes to give away. ($75, $50 and $25 all in gift certificates to THE CAT HOUSE INC.) To all our entries so far, THANK YOU! We love the photos and you might have seen your cats on Shaw Cable's Saddle Up or you may even catch them on Global News tonight!
Check out Luna, one of our entries to our Stampede Photo Contest! If you think LUNA is our winner, be sure to "like" her photo. The photos with the most likes wins and we have three prizes.
Check out Big Aliss, another contest entry. If you think she is our winner, be sure to "LIKE" her photo! The winners are all based on how many LIKES they get.
Here is HERBIE, our latest entry. If you think HERBIE deserves to win, make sure to LIKE this photo.
Please help Debbie find her cat, Rowdy who is missing. We would appreciate if you could all share his photo on Facebook with your friends and families as well. We want Rowdy to get home safely!
Can you help spread the word about my missing cat? Rowdy is an orange tabby, 4 years of age, neutered and is a small cat. He has very watery runny eyes with tear stains on his little face. He has a tattoo in his right ear, WE6. He has been missing from his home in the area of 19 Ave & 48 St NW (Montgomery) since May 12th and I am checking the Humane Society, Animal Services, Pet Lynx, Kijiji and YYC Lost pets every day with no success. I also have posters all over our community and have received some calls but all leads have not brought him home yet. I ache for him. If you see him, please call me 403-247-0507.