October 2009
October 2009
Margarita and Gabriel
Hi – It’s been a while since we sent a newsletter but here we are again. We wanted to tell you about a few new products at THE CAT HOUSE and to let you know about the upcoming cat show.
Cat Show
Put on by our friends with the Southern Alberta Calgary Cat Fanciers.
Annual Halloween
"Back to Back" Show Please join us at Ogden Legion for our two day ~ 8 Ring Championship Cat, Household Pet Extravaganza
Show Dates: October 24th & 25th, 2009
Show Times:: 9 am to 6 pm
Admission Prices: Adults $5 and children (12 and under) and Seniors $2.
Show Hall:
Ogden Legion, 2625 - 78th Avenue SE. Show hall access is at back of the facility. Food and beverage services provided.
Halloween Costumes
Mom not only puts hats on us, she has been dressing us up in Halloween Costumes too. You should come and see all the outfits we have available.
New In Store
There is this great new toy, the Cat-it Senses Play Circuit. There is a ball in a tube, with holes that we can stick our paws into. We love it! Even people like to play with this toy. Mom orders them by the carton full since they are so popular.
Good Behaviour Collars?!
Would you believe there is such a thing? We’re so good they haven’t had to use them on us but customers keep coming back for them and say that they really work. The Good Behaviour Pheromone Collar emits this pheromone that helps calm kitties who get separation anxiety, meow excessively, or have destructive behaviour. Hey, we know it can be tough out there with trips to the vets, surprise house guests or new furry friends being introduced to your world. This is something that can help ease the stress in life.
Cat Toilet Training
This is the Litter Kwitter, which can be used to train kitties to use the toilet. We’re happy with our litter box, thanks, but we know that sometimes people will do anything they can to not have to clean litter boxes. Mom says that in the 18 years she’s been operating THE CAT HOUSE this is the best litter training kit she’s seen.
Art Market
For the first time ever we will be participating at the Calgary Art Market and Craft Show! Come see our wonderful, handmade cat toys. We have old favourites, as well as some new inventions. One of the toys we will have at the Art Market is called Nip Knits. These crazy knitted figures are filled with high quality catnip for hours of fun! Anyone who comes to THE CAT HOUSE and mentions this newsletter before December 1st, 2009 will get a free Nip Knit. We will also have discount coupons for entry to the Art Market available on your next visit to our store.
Calgary Art Market and Craft Show
Dates: November 19 - 22, 2009, Calgary Teuls Convention Center 136 - 8 Ave. S.E.
Hours: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 10am to 9pm; Friday, November 20, 2009, 10am to 9pm; Saturday, November 21, 2009, 10am to 6pm; Sunday, November 22, 2009, 10am to 5 pm.
Prices: Adults $9.00, Seniors/Students $6.00. Pay once, return everyday for free! Note: Tickets only available at the door.
We hope you’re happy to hear from us. We love it when you come to visit us. Please visit soon. Bye for now – Gabriel and Margarita!